Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Niagara fruit crops holding up - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:

But many more orchards and other including residential areas in the Lake Ontario Fruit remain to be tested for plum pox viruesbefore September. Teams working for the and the statr Department of Agriculture and Markets began taking leaf samplewsin May. Subsequent laboratory tests did not disclosre any new outbreaks of the virusx inNiagara County, Jackie director of the USDA’ s Lockport field office, said. In earlty May, as orchards blossomed, optimism was growint that the spread ofthe disease, whic h made its Niagara County debut 2006 mighgt be waning.
Between 2006 and plum pox was discovered in several NiagarCounty orchards, in Orleans Counth and Wayne County, east of Though harmless to humans and animals, the virus poses an economicf risk for commercial fruit growerd because they must destroy all susceptible treesz within 1.5 miles to 2 milea of an identified hot Plum pox destroys the commercialp value of the fruit that it attacks becaus it discolors and disfigures plums, prunes and nectarines.
In New York states counties lying alongLake Ontario’s south shore, fruigt growing is a multi-million-dollar

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