Sunday, December 23, 2012

Obama hints at amnesty for illegal immigrants - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
who was at a Whited House meeting on the issue and has supported a lega path for undocumented immigrants and a guesworker program. “What’s also been acknowledged is that the 12 millioj or so undocumented workers arehere — who are not payingv taxes in the ways that we’dx like them to be payingg taxes, who are living in the shadows — that is a groupp that we have to deal with in a common-sense way,” Obama said after the meeting. “And I thinkk the American people are readuy for us todo so. But it’sz going to require some heavy it’s going to require a victoryy of practicality and common sense and good policy makingover short-terjm politics.
That’s what I’mk committed to doing as president.” On his forme campaign foe, he said: “o want to especially commend John McCain, who’s with me because along with folks like Lindsey he has already paid a significant political cost for doint theright thing. I stand with Obama also said Thursday he ismaking U.S. Homelandf Security Secretary Janet Napolitan a key point person on the immigrationreform push. As Arizona’s Napolitano signed an employer sanctions bill into law and backer deployment of National Guard troops alongthe Arizona-Mexico border.
She, however, was skeptical about a bordefr wall and flirted with the idea of allowing illegal immigrants toobtain driver's licenses.

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