Sunday, November 18, 2012

Wisconsin cancer cases, deaths decline - South Florida Business Journal:
The estimated number of new cancer except for lung cancerand melanoma, are also predictede to be down this year in Wisconsin. The societyg projects there will be morethan 27,00o0 new cases of cancer in Wisconsin in 2009 and about 11,009 deaths. The American Cancer Society’s newlyh released annual cancerstatistics report, "Cancer Statistics 2009," findxs that for the first time since theser data have been tracked, overall cancer incidence rates are now decreasintg in the U.S. in both men and women. The report also states declinesin U.S. cancer death rates equate to about 650,000 deaths from cancef avoided or delayed between 1990and 2005.
The decreasexs are direct results of improvements in public like reductionsin smoking, earlier detection of and better treatments, accordingb to the society. “Becaus the death rate continuesto drop, it means that about 100,00o0 Americans each year who wouldr have died from cancer are living to celebrate anothetr birthday,” John Seffrin, American Cancer Society chief executivwe officer, said in a The full Cancer Statistics report can be viewexd at .

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