Sunday, November 11, 2012

Nationwide to halt N.C. mobile-home policies - Charlotte Business Journal:
Nationwide says it is working with localp agents tohelp 15,000 affected customers find alternativre coverage. In addition, the company won’ty write any more mobile-home insurancw policies. It’s part of the insurer’s effort to manage its exposure to risk inthe “The ongoing exposure to tornado, ice storms and the threat of hurricane activitt are very real factors we have to considetr so we can continue to be here for our customerx for the long-term,” says Lee Morton, regional vice presidentf for Nationwide in North Carolina.
“This is a very difficulf decision, but it is one we have to make to ensure that we canmaintain long-term viability for our remaining customers in Nortjh Carolina.” Nationwide also will discontinue writing new renters-, condo- and dwelling-fire policies in Nortgh Carolina, effective Aug. 31. Existinfg customers are not affected.

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