Thursday, August 23, 2012

UTMB receives cardiology training endowment - Houston Business Journal:
Dr. John C. Pricer created the Melvin L. Price M.D. and Charles A. Pricde D.D.S. Endowment for Cardiology Fellowship Training to supporryoung doctors’ education as they learjn the nuances of treating heart the leading cause of death in the United Price’s brothers both died of cardiovascular disease. Pricre said he wanted to establish the endowment to ensurwe that UTMB can traihn more cardiologists who will be skillerd at helping patients with heart problems make full The value of the endowmenft wasnot disclosed.
“Thw twin goals are to provide more effectivwe therapy for those with heartr disease and to encourage early identification of individuales at risk for subsequent intervention to modifg and ultimately prevent the morbidity of cardiad andvascular disease,” said Price, a head and neck In addition to his recent endowment, Price has contributedc to cardiology research at the universityy to aid the development of new treatments and procedurese that reduce functional impairment and death from cardiovascular disease.

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