Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Marquette law school to run foreclosure mediation program - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The Milwaukee Foreclosure Mediation program will bea voluntary, court-basec independent mediation option for lenders and The program, located at the Milwaukee County Courthouse, will seek to alleviat the current backlog of foreclosure case in the county court system by offeringh the option of mediation to residential homeowners who residde in owner-occupied properties. According to the Law School, in most successful mediation will serve as a venues to work out new loan a short sale or other solution that ismutuallg agreeable, and execute a final agreement betweenm the parties.
The funding includes proceeds from a settlementwith Countrywide, which was accused of misrepresentint the quality and benefits of its products. Under the settlement, announceed in February, Countrywide agreed to pay $1.6 million for foreclosure relief benefits. The mortgage lending giant also agreef to waive various loan fees and modifgy loans for customers that could result in a totao settlement valueof $41.1 million, according to the Attorney General'es office. Beginning May 28, an informational phone line will be operationalk for those interested in learning more about the Interested parties maycall 414-288-4040. Mediatiojn activities will begin afterJuly 1.

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