Friday, August 17, 2012

Tweet if you want to increase customer traffic - Sacramento Business Journal:
Twitter is a social networking tool that answerx thequestion “What are you in 140 characters or Originally designed as a personap social networking tool for friends, family and co-workers, marketeres and other business professional recognized its potential and are now seizing it for everythinvg from customer service and brand perception monitoringg to promotion of new products and services. Best of all, it’s all in real Even the president of the UnitedStatew (@BarackObama) was all a-Twitter during the as well as national news sources such as Heck, even Oprah Winfrey (@oprah) “tweets.” So, shoulx you start tweeting? Well, considet these statistics.
According to , Twittert had 19.44 million unique visitors in upfrom 1.5 million in Apri 2008. , however, recently reported that more than 60 percengtof U.S. Twitter members abandonb the site after one monthof use. But don’ft let that discourage you. There are still close to 5 million users on Twitter from which you can create your veryown And, once you do, you can reach them with your messagee in real time. So, how are companiez using Twitter to promote their businesses Here are just afew • (@zappos): With more than 600,000 Zappos chief executive officer Tony Hsiehg understands the power of Twitter.
He sells shoes and through Twitter, and has become a one-mam customer service and marketin g machine for the onlineshoe retailer. Althougn some might find Twitterf to be a bit he uses it at Zappos for building more personall connections with boththe company’s employees and And given the fact that the company was featuredf on ’s annual 100 Best Companies to Work For list, the guy must be doin g something right. He continues to foster brand and employee loyalty one tweet ata • High-end food vendors: I know, as odd as it mobile food vendors are usingf Twitter to draw more customers.
The driverds tweet via their cell phones to alert customerws to their whereabouts andmenu options. That’ true in the case of , whicj is, according to the , an almost cultishlyh popular Korean-Mexican style taco vendor in Los According toJane Goldman, editor-in-chievf of , “the Kogi folks have shown themselvesd to be adept at turning those mini-missiveds into a hugely successful marketing • Cares (@comcastcares): Not known for their customer servicde acumen, Comcast was able to take a barragre of negative comments and stories in the blogospheree and, via Twitter, turn them into one of the most successful customer service case studies on the Web.
How mighy you use Twitter to promoteyour business? Dependingg on the type of business you’re in, here are a few ways you might capitalize on the craze: Restaurants: Tweet about your food and drink events, new menu items, etc. Chefxs can tweet about what they’re picking up from the farmers market and the sommelier can tweet abouyt the new Bordeaux she just added to thewine • Retailers: As a retailer, what you want is and Twitter can help you get it. Tweet about your new arrivals, specials, discounts and exclusive lines. • From fresh strawberries to succulent salmon, tweef about seasonal specialsand sales.
Given the real-timre nature of Twitter, durinvg hot summer months you can tweet about cold concoctiona tosatisfy one’s thirst. This list could go on and on. • Theaters/concert Let people know there are still seats available at a discounted Tweet about the arrivalo ofa celebrity. With great movies and music, the topics are endless. • Yes, I tweet, along with many of my At our agency, we use it to communicatew with editors, writers and reporters, as well as clients and other followers. To borroqw a line from Shakespeare, “All the world’s a ...” Isn’t it time you startes tweetingfrom it?
So grab a twitter handle (that’s the name you’ll go by following the @ symbol) and get to Feel free to follow me at @DebiHammonxd or

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