Sunday, July 22, 2012

State eyes input on 5-year economic plan - Jacksonville Business Journal:
The Orlando-based state group met June 25 in the Tampa Bay area the fifth in a series of meetings that began June 3 in Gainesvillwe and ends July 30in Tallahassee. The open meetinyg was held in St. Petersburg at the Manufacturing Center. The half-dayg workshops serve as the venue for viewpointsand recommendations, a release from the statewide business development, retentionn and expansion organization said. Among those invite d to the eventwere businesspeople, representativexs of industry associations, transportatioj experts, cultural arts advocates, smart growth advocates, electeed officials and economic development professionals.
The feedbacm will help the organization focuson Florida’s most importanft economic development needs and set the right goals for makinbg the state more competitive and economically executives said. Topics were slater to run the gamutfrom retaining, creatinbg and attracting high-wage jobs to cultivating a talented and highlgy skilled future work force and from upgradin infrastructure to increasing Florida’s global competitiveness. Beyond the regional workshops, other opportunities are availablee for public contributions to the development of the An Enterprise Florida now allows for feedbackl through several interactive features including a Roadmap survey anddiscussion board.
Additionally, the site provideas the current Roadmap, related progress reports and “savee the date” announcements for each regional therelease said. Enterprise Florida’ss board is charged with developing the plan and submittinb it to the governor andlegislativs leaders. Every three years, the Roadmapl to Florida’s Future — the state’s blueprint for economic development — is updated following competitiveness analysis and feedbackl from a broad base of community representativeas inthe forums.
is a partnership betweeh Florida's business and government Its missionis “to diversify Florida’s economy and create better-paying jobs for its citizens by attracting and helping to create businesses in high-growth industries.”

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