Monday, July 9, 2012

Report: Antitrust probe of Apple, Google, Yahoo - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The New York Times and Washington Post reportedc theantitrust probe, with the Post adding to the list of companied being investigated. Regulators are likely to be lookingt into deals between the companiesa where they promised not to hire awayeach other’s most talentes workers, the reports said. As the Googl e juggernaut has grown and moved into dozenasof markets, it has attracted more and more attentio from regulators. A published June 1 says Google has 137subsidiaru businesses.
The Federal Trade Commissiob talkedto (NASDAQ: GOOG) earliet in the year because of antitrust FTC questions concerned the overlap of directors betwee Google and Genentech — Google boss Eric Schmidt sits on the AAPL) board with Art Levinson, who was CEO of Genentechy at the time. Other Apple board members include ’ boss Andrea Jung, chief Millard Chairman Bill Campbell, Jerry York of , and formed U.S. Vice President Al Gore. Regulators also stopped a Google deal to share advertising revenuewith YHOO) last year.

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