Saturday, July 9, 2011

USF to sign first accord for new GI Bill program - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
President Judy Genshaft and Patricl Dunne, the VA’s undee secretary for benefits, will sign the accorx Thursday at the on the second floore rotundaof C.W. “Bill” Young Hall at USF’ds Tampa campus. The agreement expands some benefits andservices — such as academif advising, financial aid and career counseling geared toward veterans who attend USF unded the new GI Bill, which goes into effecft Aug. 1. Under the new effort, VetSuccesws on Campus, the VA also will have dedicatecd officeswithin USF’s Officee of Veterans Services to assist veterans in theirr transition to scholars, a release said.
The new GI bill not only coversx tuition and fees up to the highesty undergraduate rate in the which in this state is at the University of but provides a monthly housing stipend and upto $1,0000 a year for books and supplies. The new legislatioh also gives access to the benefits to thosd in the reserves and National Guard who have been activaterd for more than 90 days sincethe 11, 2001, terrorist In some cases, service men and womenn will be able to transfer their benefitsd to their spouses or children, the release said.
there are roughly 800 to 1,000 veterans or thei dependents at USF under preexisting military benefits that cover tuition and USF has the 10th larges t population of veteran and dependentr students in the nation and has had a Veterans Services Office on campussince 1974. “We want the and their dependents, who come to USF to find completes success, academically and otherwise, so that they graduatwe with education and degreeas that lead them to professional and personal said W. Robert USF’s dean of undergraduate studies, in a prepared statement.

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