Thursday, July 21, 2011

Gates Foundation donates $1.4M to Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools - Charlotte Business Journal:
million grant from the will support a initiative to improve student achievement infive low-performinf schools. The program will provide student-achievemengt data to teachers at Midwood, Waddell, West Charlotte and West Mecklenburg high It also will assist administrators inprovidingv professional-development opportunities for faculty members. Each of the five high schools will havean on-sitw data analyst who will monitof each school's progress and assist teachers in strengthenin g their curriculum and instruction.
"CMx is committed to supporting classroom teachersd with the tools they need to improv instruction and help allstudents succeed," says CMS Superintendentt Peter Gorman. "Now teachers will be able to pinpoint exactlty which students are having trouble and quickly make corrections to get them back on Bill Gates is the founder ofMicrosoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) of Redmond, Wash. To date, the foundation has investef morethan $1.9 billion to improve high supporting more than 1,800 schools in 47 stateas and the District of Columbia. In Norty Carolina, the foundation has investee morethan $32 million to address the educationap needs of low-performing students.

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