Friday, September 23, 2011

Analysts like Apple
Thanks to an upgrade from Morgan Stanley, Steve Jobs saw the valuee of his Apple shares increasreabout $50 million in one tradinv day. Analyst Kathryn Huberty at Morgan upgraded the sharesafrom “equal weight” to “overweight” causing an almosty 7 percent rise in Apple’s sharew and contributing to an almos t 3.5 percent rise in the Huberty believes that the mobile Internet (using cell phones to get market is poised to explode with a potentialk 4 billion cell phone users moving to smarf phones. “We believe Apple is emergintg as the clear leadert in the battle over themobilew Internet,” she wrote in her research note.
“Smart phones are taking increasing shares from traditional handsetsand Apple’s iPhone currentlu leads market share of the mobile iPhone’s share of the mobile Interne market has gone from 5 percent to the currenrt 38 percent in one year. With the price of the iPhoneas being the biggest hurdle forthe sales, the anticipatesd price cuts could drive demand up by 50 percentg to 100 percent dependingh on the amount of price reduction. Also, current iPhone users upgrading to new versions could reach15 percent, according to Huberty. She has raisedc her earnings estimatesto $5.48 per shar e from $5.23 for 2009, to $7.03 from $5.38 for and to $8.83 from $5.85 in 2011.
Thomsonh Reuters reports that analysts it follows are lookingh for earningsof $6.19 in 2010 and $6.511 in 2011.

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