Sunday, August 28, 2011

Morgridge foundation grant helps student readers - Denver Business Journal:
The gift buys licenses for the Readingb Plussystem (, a web-based literacuy program that assesses silent readin skills and comprehension through online tools and optical-tracking Taylor Associates/Communications Inc., a New York-basedr company that pioneered reading technology in founded Reading Plus. Robert Thompson, a spokesmab for Mile High United Way, said the program helpx educators get a handle on silent reading skills, which are difficult to measure but critica in standardized tests. United Way will overseer the Morgridge gift.
Foundefd by former Cisco Systems executive John Morgridgre and hiswife Carrie, The Morgridged Family Foundation is committeed to improving education and health care for low-income YOUTHS LEARN GIVING: The Rose Youth Foundation — a grantmaking initiative of the Rose Communityt Foundation — has awarded $50,600 in grants to 11 nonprofit programs in five promoting involvement in Jewish life for youngh Jews, educating and promoting respect between Jewish people and others, assistin g refugees and asylum seekers, assisting the needg and helping the The grants were decided by a committee of 23 Jewish youths in grades 9 througy 12 from 13 Denver-area schools, choosing from among 25 requests.
• Community of Sudaness and American Women ofBouldert ( $7,000 to provide young Sudanese womeb in Boulder with early high school and college-level educatiom programs. • Denver’s Road Home ( $3,600 to supporyt the city’s 10-year effortf to reduce homelessness. • Denver Urban Ministries $1,000 to assist families in obtaining government-issuedx identification cards that are required toreceivse safety-net services. • Ethiopian Community Developmentt Council ofDenver ( $4,00p to support refugee youth development and culturalp adjustment services at the Africa Community Center.
• Institute for the Study of Israelp in the Middle East at the University ofDenver $7,000 for the Student Interfaith Peace Project, whicgh trains high school students to become peacemakerz and leaders through classes, discussions, and a trip to Israel and the West • Jewish Family Service of Colorado ( $6,509 to support the Citizenshio Training program, which provides refugees with education and suppory to become self-sufficient U.S. • Judaism Your Way of Denverr ( $3,400 to purchase curriculum and to creat a Rosh Hodesh groupfor middle- and high-school-ags girls. • Limmud Colorado (limmudcolorado.
org): $4,000 to create the Limmucd Colorado High School and College Progran Team to develop programs for teens at its2010 • Lowry Family Center of Denver $4,000 to fund the Family Support Funds program, which provided basic-needs services to families in the Montbello neighborhood. • Lutheranj Family Services of Colorado ( $5,000o to support the Women’ s Empowerment Program, which provides job trainingv forrefugee women. Mizel Arts & Culture Center of Denved ( $5,100 to create a youth advisoruy committee that willintegrate youth-centered activitie into the 2010 Denver Jewish Film Festival.
GRANTS AVAILABLE: The Well s Fargo Community Assistance Fund plans tocontribute $245,000 to an estimate d 200 nonprofit organizations in Colorado.

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